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中国—东盟信息港网络人文发展论坛嘉宾:陈礼贤 新加坡IBD科技有限责任公司董事长兼总裁

2018-09-11 19:40:51 来源:广西电视台

陈礼贤 新加坡IBD科技有限责任公司董事长兼总裁


Ben CHAN 陈礼贤

CEO & Founder, IBD Technology

  Ben毕业于新加坡国立大学,计算机理科学士。曾在新加坡国家计算机管理局从事科技研发。他为新加坡金融管理局,美国Citibank花旗银行,新加坡政府投资公司GIC(作为全球最大的主权基金之一,GIC负责管理新加坡政府外汇储备及海外资产),新加坡教育部,等负责研发系统。在第一波的互联网崛起时,他在AsiaPaperMarkets.Com担任全球CTO,这是亚洲造纸行业的第一个巨型B2B电子商务平台,由世界银行及新加坡政府领投融资了1000万美元。Ben也在美国惠普公司Hewlett Packard (HP) 负责东南亚市场业务发展,带领HP的国际合作企业共同推广HP公司的互联网外包服务。Ben在中国,亚洲有着非常丰富的IT,互联网,实业方面的技术及国际经营实战经验。从2016年他开始区块链相关的研究和探索,并在2017年在新加坡成立了IBD Technology 区块链大数据服务公司,协同中国和东南亚战略合作企业一起改造大数据的应用,让普通用户可以真正的拥有自己的数据。

  Ben graduated with computer science degree from the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was an early pioneer of Java and Linux technology in Singapore when working for the National Computer Board and Elixir Technology. He led major ground breaking technical development projects for organizations like MAS, Citibank, GIC, MOE. During the dot com era, he led a startup team to create, a mega B2B platform for the paper industry. He also served in HP as the business development manager for South East Asia. He has very deep experience working in Asia, especially the China market. In 2016, Ben started his research into blockchain technology. In 2017 he established IBD Technology in Singapore. His goal is to build a global data sharing and application platform, to allow users to really own their data.


